We can assist if you’re considering legal guardianship for a loved one.
When loved ones lose the ability to care for themselves, it is a difficult time for everyone. If a family member can no longer live alone or if they cannot manage their finances, then a guardianship proceeding may be necessary. Craige, Fox & Roden will work closely with family members and caregivers to ensure that a loss of capacity does not mean a loss of what is best for a loved one.

Guardianship law requires that all actions taken on behalf of an individual who cannot make decisions for themselves must be in the best interest of the incompetent individual. There is also something called a “limited guardianship,” where the appointed guardian only delegates certain decisions for the incapacitated person. In the event of financial exploitation, a Guardian may be able to initiate legal action to recover the assets of an incompetent individual.
We are able to help bring an action for Incompetency to help protect your loved one or defend an action against a determination for Incompetency if it is not proper, or help to protect limited rights to maintain one’s dignity. It may also be necessary to bring a Guardianship action for the care of a minor child, personally or for the protection of their estate.
At Craige, Fox & Roden, we know that one size does not fit all. Come in for a consultation and see if Legal Guardianship is a good idea for your loved one, or if your family should pursue one of the many alternatives to Guardianship, including: Power of Attorney, Representative Payee or a Revocable Trust. One of our experienced Legal Guardianship attorneys will guide you in the right direction for you.